Creation of a radial brightness profile

The program ds9 can be used to create a radial brightness profile. In the following two possibilities will be described:

  1. Open the FITS file
  2. Click on projection tool in Region > Shape > Projection
  3. Mark the line at which the radial profile shall be created
  4. In the popup window projection save the profile either as data table via File > Save Data as a *.dat file or alternative export the radial profile from the diagram window as a PostScript image via File > Postscript Print
  5. Use gnuplot, tikz, pgfplots, WRplot, or alike (Excel would work, too) to create the profile
  1. Open the FITS file
  2. Click on line in Region > Shape
  3. Mark the line at which the radial profile shall be created
  4. Double-click on the line
  5. In the popup window create the profile via Analysis > 2D Plot
  6. In the popup window projection save the profile either as data table via File > Save Data as a *.dat file or alternative export the radial profile from the diagram window as a PostScript image via File > Postscript Print
  7. Use gnuplot, tikz, pgfplots, WRplot, or alike (Excel would work, too) to create the profile
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  • en/praktikum/sonnenrandverdunklung.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/06/28 00:13
  • by rhainich