
Organisatorisches - Wintersemester 2023

In diesem Artikel werden alle Absprachen, Ansagen, Vortragstermine, etc. zum astrophysikalischen Praktikum dokumentiert.

An extensive overview on how to prepare talks in a scientific context can be found here.

Date Talk Speaker
02.05. Spectroscopy with the OST: description of the observation, data reduction, and data analysis Emily Loessnitz
02.05. Photometry with the OST: description of the observation, data reduction, and data analysis Jan-Marco Kubat
23.05. The Sun: structure, dynamo, and magnetic field. The solar observatory at the Einsteinturm Laurent Stütz
23.05. The Sun: solar activity, solar cycle, solar spots, and Zeeman effect measurements Anurag Talele
30.05. Stars: spectral types and the HRD Noel Hofmann
06.06. Binary stars and radial velocity measurements as a tool to determine stellar properties Clemens Dittmer
13.06. Eclipsing binaries and other methods to determine stellar masses Kira Knauff
13.06. Solar System Planets and how to observe them with the OST Joshua Kupka
20.06. Exoplanets and the methods of their detection Sebastian Frischmann
20.06. Photometry - stellar magnitudes, extinction, photometric bands, modern photometry Soumya Dhavale
27.06. Principles of optical telescopic observations I. - reflectors, magnification, aberrations. OST Ritwik Sharma
27.06. Spectroscopy - different types of spectrographs and basic principles. OST Alankar Kamble
04.07. Principles of optical telescopic observations II. - astronomical coordinates, telescope mounts, astroclimat. OST Lidhya Shilu
04.07. The largest ground based optical telescopes and future perspectives (telescopes and instruments) Aravind Nagesh
11.07. Variable and pulsating stars. Light-curves. Asteroseysmology Maryna Bakhmat
11.07. Stellar evolution and evolutionary tracks on the HRD and CMD Infant Ronald Reagan Johnson Amalraj
Master Program - Summer Semester 2024 - Talks I
Voller Name Principles of optical telescopic observations - refractors & reflectors, magnification, aberrations. OST Spectroscopy - different types of spectrographs and basic principles. OST The Sun: structure, dynamo, and magnetic field. The solar observatory at the Einsteinturm The Sun: solar activity, solar cycle, solar spots, and Zeeman effect measurements Binary stars and radial velocity measurements as a tool to determine stellar properties
Alankar Kamble     
Anurag Talele     
Clemens Dittmer     
Laurent Stütz     
Summe: 0 1 1 1 1
Master Program - Summer Semester 2024 - Talks II
Voller Name Photometry - stellar magnitudes, extinction, photometric bands, modern photometry Stars: spectral types and the HRD Stellar evolution and evolutionary tracks on the HRD and CMD Binary stars and radial velocity measurements as a tool to determine stellar properties Eclipsing binaries and other methods to determine stellar masses
Infant Ronald Reagan Johnson Amalraj     
Joshua Kupka     
Kira Knauff     
Noel Hofmann     
Soumya Dhavale     
Summe: 1 1 1 1 1
Master Program - Summer Semester 2024 - Talks III
Voller Name Solar System Planets and how to observe them with the OST Exoplanets and the methods of their detection
Joshua Kupka  
Sebastian Frischmann  
Summe: 1 1

Per E-Mail sind wir unter zu erreichen.

Name Raum Mail Aufgaben
apl. Prof. Lida Oskinova 2.135 lida Organisation, Vorträge, Protokolle
M.Sc. Sabela Reyero 2.115 sabela Organisation, Vorträge
B.Sc. Fabian Mattig 2.008 fmattig Teleskopbetreuung, Datenreduktion Hilfestellung
B.Sc. Jonas Brinkmann 2.008 jbrinkmann Teleskopbetreuung, Datenreduktion Hilfestellung
Rainer Hainich 2.009 rhainich Technischer Support
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  • Zuletzt geändert: 2023/12/04 08:01
  • von rhainich