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en:praktikum:nist [2016/11/10 02:16] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation rhainichen:praktikum:nist [2019/02/18 11:54] (current) – [NIST] maxpri
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 The //National Institute of Standards and Technology// (//NIST//) hosts a [[http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/lines_form.html|data base]] of spectroscopic transitions for a variety of elements and their ions. This data base is an excellent tool for identifying spectral lines in stellar spectra. This article is a short introduction on how to use this web page. The //National Institute of Standards and Technology// (//NIST//) hosts a [[http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/ASD/lines_form.html|data base]] of spectroscopic transitions for a variety of elements and their ions. This data base is an excellent tool for identifying spectral lines in stellar spectra. This article is a short introduction on how to use this web page.
-Most important for our purpose is the upper part of this //NIST// web page, where one hast to:+Most important for our purpose is the upper part of this //NIST// web page, where one has to:
 {{ labcourse:nist1.png?nolink |}} {{ labcourse:nist1.png?nolink |}}
   - enter the element symbol and optional the degree of ionization, otherwise the transitions from all ions will be displayed, keep it empty to search for all elements   - enter the element symbol and optional the degree of ionization, otherwise the transitions from all ions will be displayed, keep it empty to search for all elements
  • en/praktikum/nist.1478744182.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/10 02:16
  • by rhainich