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Organizational matters - winter semester 2015/16

This article documents all agreements, arrangements, talks, etc. within the scope of the astronomical laboratory course.

This is the preliminary program:

Below you can find all the email addresses you need to contact us (<instructor>@astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de). However, to reach all persons involved preference should be given to the following email adresse: prakt@astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de.

Name Room Mail Responsibilities
Rainer Hainich 2.008 rhainich organizing, talks, protocols, telescope support
Carlo Steiner 2.115 csteiner talks, protocols, telescope support
Marc Ludwig 2.118 mludwig talks, protocols, telescope support

Overview: laboratory course

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  • en/praktikum/organisation_bachelor.1450456504.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/12/18 16:35
  • by rhainich