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Series suggestions

Your suggestions will go in here:
Series Brief Description Website Who proposes?
The Witcher Based on the books of the same name. Like Game of Thrones but with more blood, more magic, and writers who remained interested in the story until now. 1st Season available, 2nd season will be released next month.. Netflix David
The Boys The more realisitc Avengers: superheros go mad with power and fame, some humans fight back. Rough and bloody. 2 Seasons available Amazon Prime David
Dark Weird story about missing children and time travel. Filmed near Potsdam, original language is german. 3 Seasons available. Netflix David
The Mandalorian The better part of Disney-era StarWars: More blasters and less lightsabers, a nostalgia festival for fans of Clone Wars and Rebells. Disney+ David
Love Death Robots Series of short (10-20min) episodes that are not connected. Touches all kinds of art styles and topics, often dystopian or mind-bending. Netflix David


Series selection
Real name Westworld Breaking Bad Good Omens The Wire Alpha House Taboo Deutschland 83
Daniel Pauli (pauli)     
Count: 6 2 4 6 0 1 0

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  • en/fun/kino.1636656522.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/11/11 18:48
  • by