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Raus aus dem Reisfeld
Real name Freiluftkino, Kreuzberg (open air) Helmholtzplatz, Prenzlauerberg (open air) Hofbräu, Mitte (bitte nicht) SchwuZ, Kreuzberg (p.s. gay club) Postbahnhof, Friedrichshain
Tomer Shenar (shtomer)     
Count: 5 3 3 3 5

Location Further information (address, …) Website Name
Freiluftkino, Kreuzberg Open air, lots of bars + restaurants in the vicinity http://www.freiluftkino-kreuzberg.de/ Tomer
Helmholtzplatz, Prenzlauerberg Open air http://www.360berlin.net/en/prenzlauer-berg-2/helmholtzplatz Tomer
Hofbräu, Mitte bitte nicht http://www.hofbraeuhaus-berlin.de/ Tomer
SchwuZ, Kreuzberg for the brave http://www.schwuz.de/en/home.html Tomer
Postbahnhof, Friedrichshain never been there http://postbahnhof.de/ Tomer
Lida and Wolf-Rainer's bar although we never got an invitation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golm_%28Potsdam%29 Tomer
Whereever NA NA Iman

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  • en/fun/eurovision2014.1473178326.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/09/06 16:12
  • by rhainich