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Atomic clock
Info on objects
SOHO data - current sun images
SolarMonitor - further SOHO-images
Simbad - database, see also How to work with the SIMBAD: Query by criteria - The most complete online-calculator for atronomical observations
Atomic data
Atomic Data for Resonance Absorption Lines. III. Wavelengths Longward of the Lyman Limit for the Elements Hydrogen to Gallium (Data Table)
Astronomical catalogs
Site | Comments |
Wikipedia | List of astronomical catalogues |
New General Catalogue (NGC) | Catalog of nebula, star clusters, and galaxies |
Messier catalog | List of 110 astronomical objects, mainly galaxies, star clusters, and nebula |
Hipparcos catalog | High-precision star catalogue |
More interesting links
Astronomy Picture of the Day - Every day an interesting astrophysical image
Hipparcos - Astrometric space mission
VizieR - The most significant astronomical database
Staralt - Tool to determine the observability of objects - Catalog of extrasolar planets
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature - Information about the objects of our solar system