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Visit the OST
The OST can also be visited. Especially pupils or school classes and students are welcome! Due to the teaching business and limited staff capacities, no regular program can be offered. However, we try to realize requests especially from school classes whenever possible.
What we can offer you ...
- age-appropriate talks with the right degree of information on specific astrophysical topics as well as astrophysics in general
- either in our seminar room or the dome
- optional: presentation and explanation of our instruments and the available technology
- optional: clarification of the astronomical dimension with the help of models
- guided tours and telescope demonstrations
- introducing the basic principle of telescopes and astronomical observations
- observations of the Sun (depends on the weather conditions)
- night observations of a variety of objects (depends on the visibility and the weather conditions)
- astrophotography with our CCD cameras or with our/your DSLR camera (a T2 adapter is required, we only have one for Canon cameras)
The OST team is reachable via the following email address Write us your wishes.
- night observation with a school class from Berlin on the 05.06.2009
- guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2009” on the 13.06.2009
- guided tour and observation on the 16.09.2009
- guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2010” on the 05.06.2010
- telescope demonstration and observation in the scope of the “Studieren in Fernost Kampagne” on the 28.05.2010
- several guided tours in the scope of the “Zukunftstag” on the 14.04.2011
- guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2011” on the 28.05.2011
- guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2012” on the 02.06.2012
- guided tour and night observation with a group of pupils on the 08.10.2012
- guided tour in the scope of the “Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2013” on the 8. June 2013
- guided tour and telescope demonstration with a group of pupils on the 19.12.2013
- talk, telescope demonstration, and observation with a 5. class of a primary school from Potsdam on the 06.03.2014
- visit of a group of pupils on the 11.04.2014
- guided tour and observation of the Sun with a group of pupils on the 08.07.2014
- guided tour in the scope of the “Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2014” on the 14. July 2014
- talk, telescope demonstration, and observation with a 5. class of a primary school from Potsdam on the 18.03.2015
- visit of various members and guest of the Institute of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Potsdam on occasion of the partial solar eclipse on the 20. März 2015
- visit of various members and guest of the Institute of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Potsdam on occasion of a transit of Mercury on the 09.05.2016