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There are accompanying seminars (every 14 days) in which the students give talks on basic principles and discuss the results of their observations. To each observation belongs an attestation and a short report. The grading for this module is calculated from evaluations of the attestation, the reports, and the seminar talks. /* This course belongs to the elective **module PHY_532** ("Astronomie im Praktikum"). It is recommended that all students have visited or currently visit the ''Introductory Lecture on Astrophysics and Astronomy''. */ * [[en:praktikum:versuche_bachelor|Overview observations: bachelor]] * [[en:praktikum:organisation_bachelor|Organisation: bachelor]] </WRAP> <WRAP third column> [{{ost:gallery:galaxies:m104_rvb_ir_24_03_2009.jpg | M 104 - Sombrero galaxy}}] </WRAP> </WRAP> ===== Astrophysical laboratory course ===== <WRAP group> <WRAP twothirds column> The astrophysics laboratory course is designed for students in the master's program in physics and the master's program in astrophysics. Based on the knowledge obtained in the bachelor phase, more comprehensive observations are carried out, which also require a more sophisticated analysis. The observations and the associated analyses are designed to give an insight into scientific work. Reports are expected to be more extensive and detailed in comparison to bachelor course. In the accompanying seminar the results are presented and discussed, along with talks to present various laboratory course related topics (techniques, observations, objects etc.). The night observations are carried out at the students observatory (OST) at the Institute for Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Potsdam in Golm. The observation of the Sun will be performed at the Einsteinturm on the Telegrafenberg near the city center. /* For students in physics, this course is part of **module PHY_741b** (specialization astrophysics/"Vertiefungsgebiet Astrophysik"). The talks and reports are counted as prerequisite for credits. The credit points are only given after an (oral) overall exam for the whole **module PHY_741b**, which also contains the master lectures ''Astrophysics I'' and ''II''. For students of the new master in astrophysics, this course belongs to **module PHY-751**. More details can be found in [[en:praktikum:zugangsvoraussetzung|admission requirements]]. */ * [[en:praktikum:versuche_master|Overview observations: master]] * [[en:praktikum:organisation_master|Organization: master]] </WRAP> <WRAP third column> [{{ost:gallery:starclusters:ngc6939.jpg | NGC 6939}}] </WRAP> </WRAP> ===== Useful information to accomplish successful observations and data analyses ===== === Observation appointment and observation preparation === Dates for night observations can be reserved (if you are logged in) via the [[en:praktikum:reservation|date booking page]]. To prepare for the observation it is a good idea to browse the wiki and get familiar with the [[en:ost:telescope:grunddaten|technology]] and its [[en:ost:telescope:handling_new|operation]]. Furthermore, we also have articles on [[en:software:stellarium|Stellarium]] as well as on [[en:etc:simbad|Simbad]], which can be helpful for observation preparation. === Data evaluation === For the data evaluation there is a computer available, which is located in **room 2.009**. This computer can be used either directly on site or [[en::praktikum:zugang|remotely]]. The data analysis in the astronomical lab course is in most cases relatively simple and can mostly be done on your own computer. Nevertheless, for some of the observations we also offer a supervised data evaluation at the laboratory course computer. In comparison, the astrophysics lab course requires much more extensive evaluations, which are based on the routines and programs available on the laboratory course computer. /* Alternatively we offer a [[en:software:howto_virtualbox_ubuntu|virtual lab course computer]], which can also be set up on your own computer. */ ==== Quick guides: ==== {{page>deng:praktikum:howto#English&noheader}} /* === Laboratory course computer: === * How-to [[en:praktikum:zugang|access to the laboratory course computer]] * [[en:praktikum:namenskonvention|Convention for directories and filenames]] on the laboratory course computer * [[en:software:howto_virtualbox_ubuntu | A virtual laboratory computer for your own computer]] * An {{en:labcourse:shellintro.pdf| Introduction to the Linux Command Shell}} by Victor Gedris === Observation preparation: === * Brief how-to on the [[en:etc:simbad| parameter search with Simbad]] * Quick guide to [[en:software:stellarium | Stellarium]] and how to use it to prepare observations. === Observation evaluation: === * How-to [[en:praktikum:protocol|write a lab course report]] * An extensive guide {{en:labcourse:talks:checklist_talks.pdf| talk preparations}} * Brief how-to on the [[en:praktikum:gdl | GNU data language (GDL)]] * Brief how-to on the [[en:praktikum:nist | NIST database]] */ /* === Installation guides: === * Installation guide for [[en:software:howto_midas_install | ESO MIDAS ]] on a Linux system */ en/praktikum/index.txt Last modified: 2024/05/23 09:54by rhainich