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en:praktikum:versuche_bachelor [2022/08/11 11:59] fruengeren:praktikum:versuche_bachelor [2024/09/19 10:12] (current) – [C7: Light curve of an eclipsing binary star] rhainich
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 ++++ Data reduction | ++++ Data reduction |
 +Please ask a lab course instructor for help.
 Use the prepared [[en:praktikum:gdl|GDL]] scripts, which can be found at the [[en:praktikum:zugang |laboratory course computer]] (also see details of the [[en:praktikum:namenskonvention |name convention for files]]), to reduce the data photometrically. There are two scripts that do the principal data reduction (1_reduce_images.pro), the read-out, and the plotting of the photometry (2_obtain_flux.pro). Copy them to your local directory and adjust the names of the paths and the date of the current minimum. Compile and run the scripts with [[en:praktikum:gdl |GDL]] to obtain the light curve of the eclipsing binary star, which can be completed using archive data.  Use the prepared [[en:praktikum:gdl|GDL]] scripts, which can be found at the [[en:praktikum:zugang |laboratory course computer]] (also see details of the [[en:praktikum:namenskonvention |name convention for files]]), to reduce the data photometrically. There are two scripts that do the principal data reduction (1_reduce_images.pro), the read-out, and the plotting of the photometry (2_obtain_flux.pro). Copy them to your local directory and adjust the names of the paths and the date of the current minimum. Compile and run the scripts with [[en:praktikum:gdl |GDL]] to obtain the light curve of the eclipsing binary star, which can be completed using archive data. 
 ++++ ++++
  • en/praktikum/versuche_bachelor.1660219190.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/11 11:59
  • by fruenger