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en:ost:telescope:kuppel [2020/08/07 23:04] rhainichen:ost:telescope:kuppel [2024/05/08 21:50] (current) – [Inside the dome] rhainich
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 ====== The Dome ====== ====== The Dome ======
 [{{ en:ost:telescope:dome_en_new.png?400|Top view of the dome}}] [{{ en:ost:telescope:dome_en_new.png?400|Top view of the dome}}]
 ===== Access to roof and dome ===== ===== Access to roof and dome =====
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 ===== Inside the dome ===== ===== Inside the dome =====
-**First steps:** 
 [{{ :ost:telescope:steuerkasten.jpg?150|Control box with the emergency button}}] [{{ :ost:telescope:steuerkasten.jpg?150|Control box with the emergency button}}]
 +**First steps:**
    * Just left to the door you can find the light switch (number 2 in the sketch).    * Just left to the door you can find the light switch (number 2 in the sketch).
    * The left button is for the white light, the right one is for the red light.    * The left button is for the white light, the right one is for the red light.
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 At the wall, next to the light switches there's a grey dome control box (left figure & number 3 in the sketch). It contains At the wall, next to the light switches there's a grey dome control box (left figure & number 3 in the sketch). It contains
        * the hand control of the dome (see lower right figure),        * the hand control of the dome (see lower right figure),
-       * the sensor that receives the signals from the remote control (the black thing in the middle of the right figure), and+       * the sensor that receives the signals from the remote control (the black thing in the middle of the control box figure), and
        * the emergency button (the red button) that offers the possibility to disconnects the dome from the power supply in case of an emergency.        * the emergency button (the red button) that offers the possibility to disconnects the dome from the power supply in case of an emergency.
-The dome has an emergency closing function that automatically closes the dome in case of a power failure. This function is provided by the box to the right of the dome control box (number 4 in the sketch). This box has a power switch, if accidentally operated the dome will close automatically and will not respond to any further commands until the switch is operated again. Directly underneath in the black box is the battery, which supplies the power needed for the emergency closure.  +The dome has an emergency closing function that automatically closes the dome in case of a power failure. This function is provided by the blue box to the right of the dome control box (number 4 in the sketch). This box has a power switch, if accidentally operated the dome will close automatically and will not respond to any further commands until the switch is operated again. Directly underneath in the black box is the battery, which supplies the power needed for the emergency closure.  
 [{{ :ost:telescope:fernbedienung.jpg?150|Remote control for the dome}}] [{{ :ost:telescope:fernbedienung.jpg?150|Remote control for the dome}}]
-**Observatory Management System:**+[{{:ost:telescope:oms.jpg?180 | Observatory Management System (OMS)}}]
-**Computer setup:**+\\ 
 +**Observatory Management System (OMS):**
-A laptop can be found on the desks at the left wall of the dome (left number 7 in the sketch). This computer can be connect to the OMS. It runs MS Windows 10 along with the software necessary for the operation of the instruments, in case the OMS should not be used. It also has access to the internet, so that it is possible to find additional information (e.g. from [[ http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/|Simbad]]during the observation.+The Observatory Management System (OMS) is the large metallic box (number 5 in the sketch) right above the left desk in the dome. It is the main interface regarding the operation of the observatory. All components of the observatory are connected to the OMS and can be controlled from here. The central component of the OMS is an internal Windows 10 computer, which provides all necessary software and which can be accessed from any other computer. It allows the remote operation of the whole observatory. A detailed description of the OMS and its operation is documented ... .  
 +**Additional computer hardware:** 
 +A laptop can be found on the desks at the left wall of the dome (left number 7 in the sketch). It can be connected to the OMS and used to operate the OMS. The laptop runs MS Windows 10 along with the software necessary for the operation of the instruments, in case the OMS should not be used.  
 +Of course, the observatory has Internet access and the university wireless LAN is also available on the roof, so that additional information can be obtained from online databases such as [ http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/|Simbad]] during observation.
 **Miscellaneous:** **Miscellaneous:**
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           * tools           * tools
-Each observation (night) must be registered in the [[en:ost:telescope:logbuch|Wiki log book]]. This is particularly important if adjustments have been made to the equipment/mount/telescope. Always ensure that the equipment has secure foothold.+Each observation (night) must be registered in the [[en:ost:telescope:logbuch|Wiki log book]]. This is particularly important if adjustments have been made to the equipment/mount/telescope. 
 +===== Awning ===== 
 +<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP half column>
 +We also have a triangular awning for the roof. One of the shorter sides is stretched parallel to the stairs and the other parallel to the railing. To do this, the left eyelet of the awning is hooked into the strap already attached to the roof access above the door using turnbuckle. The right eyelet is hooked into the strap above the railing using a carabiner. The third eyelet is again attached to the strap on the guardrail with a turnbuckle. The sail is tensioned using the turnbuckles. 
 +<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP third column> 
 +[{{ost:awning:awning_mount_left.jpg | Anchorage left}}] 
 +<WRAP third column> 
 +[{{ost:awning:awning_mount_right.jpg | Anchorage right}}] 
 +<WRAP third column> 
 +[{{ost:awning:awning_mount_railing.jpg | Anchor railing}}] 
 +<WRAP half column>
 +[{{ost:awning:awning.jpg | Awning in use}}]
 ===== Problems and their solution ===== ===== Problems and their solution =====
 A number of solutions of (well-) known problems and issues can be found [[en:ost:telescope:probleme|here]].  A number of solutions of (well-) known problems and issues can be found [[en:ost:telescope:probleme|here]]. 
  • en/ost/telescope/kuppel.1596841452.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/08/07 23:04
  • by rhainich