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en:ost:ccds:maximdl [2021/02/27 19:21] – [Der Setup-Tab] rhainichen:ost:ccds:maximdl [2021/02/27 19:54] (current) rhainich
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
 ====== Maxim DL ====== ====== Maxim DL ======
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 The **Observatory** control window has different tabs to control the different parts of the observatory. You can move to objects by entering their coordinates, selecting them from a catalog or marking them on an all-sky map. The dome can be opened, closed, and if necessary moved manually. Furthermore, the telescope can be moved manually via this control window and parked again after the observations are finished. The **Observatory** control window has different tabs to control the different parts of the observatory. You can move to objects by entering their coordinates, selecting them from a catalog or marking them on an all-sky map. The dome can be opened, closed, and if necessary moved manually. Furthermore, the telescope can be moved manually via this control window and parked again after the observations are finished.
-=== Setup Tab ===+=== Setup tab ===
 The setup tab is used to establish the connection to the telescope, the dome, and the focuser. You can click on the **Connect** button behind the respective entry or on **Connect All** to establish the connection to all components simultaneously. All other entries like **Rotator** are not relevant for us.  The setup tab is used to establish the connection to the telescope, the dome, and the focuser. You can click on the **Connect** button behind the respective entry or on **Connect All** to establish the connection to all components simultaneously. All other entries like **Rotator** are not relevant for us. 
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-[{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_setup_1.png | Setup-Tab - Nothing connected }}]+[{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_setup_1.png | Setup tab - Nothing connected }}]
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
-[{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_setup_2.png | Setup-Tab - Telescope, dome, and focuser connected }}]+[{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_setup_2.png | Setup tab - Telescope, dome, and focuser connected }}]
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 In order to disconnect the devices after the observation, you can click on the individual **Disconnect** buttons or on **Disconnect All**.  In order to disconnect the devices after the observation, you can click on the individual **Disconnect** buttons or on **Disconnect All**. 
-=== Dome Tab ===+=== Dome tab ===
 The **Open** and **Close** buttons can be used to open and close the dome. The dome always opens or closes completely. It must be ensured that the **Slave Dome To Scope** option is activated, otherwise the dome will not follow the telescope. Unfortunately, this option turns off every time the dome is opened, closed, or the telescope is parked.  The **Open** and **Close** buttons can be used to open and close the dome. The dome always opens or closes completely. It must be ensured that the **Slave Dome To Scope** option is activated, otherwise the dome will not follow the telescope. Unfortunately, this option turns off every time the dome is opened, closed, or the telescope is parked. 
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 The dome can be moved manually via the functions in the **Position** box. This is especially useful when the telescope and the slit are not correctly aligned and the dome needs to be recalibrated. On the example shown above, the alignment is not optimal but still so good that the telescope does not look at the dome. The dome can be moved manually via the functions in the **Position** box. This is especially useful when the telescope and the slit are not correctly aligned and the dome needs to be recalibrated. On the example shown above, the alignment is not optimal but still so good that the telescope does not look at the dome.
-=== Telescope Tab ===+=== Telescope tab ===
 The telescope tab shows in the upper left area where the telescope is currently looking and which action it is currently performing. The right ascension and declination are displayed for the current date as well as for the standard epoch J2000. Furthermore, the altitude above the horizon and the azimuth are displayed. In the example shown below, the telescope is tracking and apart from that is inactive. The telescope tab shows in the upper left area where the telescope is currently looking and which action it is currently performing. The right ascension and declination are displayed for the current date as well as for the standard epoch J2000. Furthermore, the altitude above the horizon and the azimuth are displayed. In the example shown below, the telescope is tracking and apart from that is inactive.
-{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_telescope_1.png | Telescope Tab }}+{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_telescope_1.png | Telescope tab }}
 The buttons in the **Nudge** section can be used to move the telescope manually, with the step size selected via the drop-down menus. Each movement can again be aborted via the **Abort** button. The buttons in the **Nudge** section can be used to move the telescope manually, with the step size selected via the drop-down menus. Each movement can again be aborted via the **Abort** button.
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 The **Park** button in the **Mount** area can be used to park the telescope after the observation.  The **Park** button in the **Mount** area can be used to park the telescope after the observation. 
-=== Catalog Tab ===+=== Catalog tab ===
 Using the Catalog tab, the built-in catalogs can be searched for objects. To do this, first select a category from the **Category** drop-down menu. You can choose between ''Stars'', ''Deep Space'' and ''Solar System''. From the drop-down menu **Object ID** either the object directly or a catalog can be selected. In the latter case the catalog number of the object, or only a part of it, can be entered (see example below). After a click on **Search** a list of possible objects is displayed. The desired object can be selected from this list. With a click on **Go To** the object is approached. Using the Catalog tab, the built-in catalogs can be searched for objects. To do this, first select a category from the **Category** drop-down menu. You can choose between ''Stars'', ''Deep Space'' and ''Solar System''. From the drop-down menu **Object ID** either the object directly or a catalog can be selected. In the latter case the catalog number of the object, or only a part of it, can be entered (see example below). After a click on **Search** a list of possible objects is displayed. The desired object can be selected from this list. With a click on **Go To** the object is approached.
-{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_catalog_1.png | Catalog Tab}}+{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_catalog_1.png | Catalog tab}}
-=== Zoom Tab ===+=== Zoom tab ===
 In the zoom tab, the sky map around the selected object is displayed. Via the option button (arrow) on the right and via the context menu, many options are accessible, such as the zoom level. If one clicks with the right mouse button on any point of the map, one can slew the telescope to this point via ''Slew to Mouse Position'' If you click on an object, it can be selected directly. In the example below the corresponding option is ''Slew tp 119 Tau''. In the zoom tab, the sky map around the selected object is displayed. Via the option button (arrow) on the right and via the context menu, many options are accessible, such as the zoom level. If one clicks with the right mouse button on any point of the map, one can slew the telescope to this point via ''Slew to Mouse Position'' If you click on an object, it can be selected directly. In the example below the corresponding option is ''Slew tp 119 Tau''.
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-=== All Sky Tab ===+=== All Sky tab ===
 The All Sky tab shows the current sky. By right-clicking, you can zoom into any area. When you do that you will be redirected to the zoom tab. The option button (arrow) on the right provides access to many setting options.   The All Sky tab shows the current sky. By right-clicking, you can zoom into any area. When you do that you will be redirected to the zoom tab. The option button (arrow) on the right provides access to many setting options.  
-{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_all_sky_1.png | All Sky Tab}}+{{ ost:software:maximdl:observatory_control_all_sky_1.png | All Sky tab}}
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-=== Der Expose-Tab ===+=== Expose tab ===
-In diesem Tab findet manauf kleinem Raumdie wichtigsten Einstellung rund um die Aufnahme der BilderEigene und bereits vordefinierte Einstellungssets können unter **Exposure Preset** gefunden bzwneu angelegt werden. Die wichtigste Einstellung ist die Belichtungszeit (**Seconds**). Rechts daneben findet sich die Statusinformationszeilewelche anzeigt was die Kamera aktuell tutIm unteren Beispiel ist die Kamera inaktiv (''Idle'')+In this tab you will findon a small spacethe most important settings regarding the recording of the imagesPredefined setting sets can be found under **Exposure Preset**, where new ones can also be createdThe most important setting is the exposure time (**Seconds**). To the right of this is the status information linewhich shows what the camera is currently doingIn the example below the camera is idle
-Die Filter sind unter **Filter Wheel** zu findenDie Binning-Optionen sind wiederum über die beiden Dropdown-Menüs **X Binning** und **Y Binning** zugänglich.  Des Weiteren kann der Auslesemodus (**Readout Mode**) ausgewählt werdewas z. B. für die QHY600M wichtig istÜber die Optionen **Single**, **Continuous** und **Autosave** sind als grundlegenden Modi auswählbarBeim ersten wird nur eine einzelne Aufnahme angefertigtwohingegen beim letzten ganze [[de:ost:ccds:maximdl_series|Aufnahmeserien]] erstellt werden könnenBeim Modus **Continuous** werden hintereinander Aufnahmen mit der eingestellten Belichtungszeit erstellt und dargestelltDieser Modus eignet sich besonders gut zum [[de:ost:fokus_new|Fokussieren]]. In dem entsprechenden Artikel gehen wir auch genauer auf die unteren 3 Paneele einWeitere Optionen sind noch über **Options** (Pfeilbuttonzugänglich+The filters can be found under **Filter Wheel**. The binning options are accessible via the two drop-down menus **X Binning** and **Y Binning**.  Furthermore, the readout mode (**Readout Mode**) can be selectedwhich is important for the QHY600M. The basic operation modes are **Single**, **Continuous**, and **Autosave**. In the first mode only a single exposure is madewhereas in the last one entire [[en:ost:ccds:maximdl_series|exposure series]] can be madeIn the **Continuous** mode, images are created and displayed one after the otherThis mode is particularly suitable for [[en:ost:fokus_new|focusing]]. In the corresponding article, we also go into more detail about the lower three panelsFurther options are accessible via **Options** (arrow button). 
-{{ ost:software:maximdl:camera_control_expose_1.png | Expose-Tab}}+{{ ost:software:maximdl:camera_control_expose_1.png | Expose tab}}
-=== Der Guide-Tab ===+=== Guide tab ===
-Der Guide-Tab wiederum hält die wichtigsten Einstellungen für das Guiding des Teleskops bereitAuf die Details gehen wir in einer Kurzanleitung zum [[de:ost:ccds:guiding|Guiding]] ein.+The Guide tab contains the most important settings for guiding the telescopeWe will go into details in [[en:ost:ccds:guiding|guiding how-to]].
-{{ ost:software:maximdl:camera_control_guiding_1.png | Guide-Tab}}+{{ ost:software:maximdl:camera_control_guiding_1.png | Guide tab}}
 ==== Screen Stretch Panel ==== ==== Screen Stretch Panel ====
-Über das **Screen Stretch Panel** kann die Skalierung der Aufnahmen beeinflusst werdenIm ersten Beispiel untenwelches M42 zeigtist die Skalierung auf ''Low'' gestelltErhöht man die Skalierung auf ''Medium'' werden deutlich mehr Details von M42 sichtbarViele weitere hilfreiche vordefinierte Skalierungen können aus dem entsprechenden Dropdown-Menü ausgewählt werden+Via the **Screen Stretch Panel** the scaling of the images can be influencedIn the first image belowwhich shows M42, the scaling is set to ''Low''By increasing the scaling to ''Medium'' you will see much more details of M42. Many other helpful predefined scalings can be selected from the corresponding dropdown menu
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-[{{ ost:software:maximdl:screen_stretch_2.png | Screen Stretch - ''Medium''-Skalierung}}]+[{{ ost:software:maximdl:screen_stretch_2.png | Screen Stretch - ''Medium'' scaling}}]
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-[{{ ost:software:maximdl:screen_stretch_3.png | Screen Stretch - Histogram-Zoom}}]+[{{ ost:software:maximdl:screen_stretch_3.png | Screen Stretch - Histogram zoom}}]
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-Klickt man auf das Plus-Symbol im oberen rechten Bereich, wird in das oben links dargestellte Histogramm gezoomtDies ermöglicht es die Skalierung über das rote und das grüne Dreieck feiner einzustellenwobei das rote Dreieck den Schwarzwert und das grüne Dreieck des Weißwert definiertEntsprechendes kann auch über die Felder **Minimum** und **Maximum** erfolgen.+Clicking on the plus symbol in the upper right section of the panel zooms into the histogram shown in the upper left sectionThis allows you to fine-tune the scaling via the red and green triangleswhere the red triangle defines the black level and the green triangle the white levelThe same can be achieved using the **Minimum** and **Maximum** fields.
 ==== Information Panel ==== ==== Information Panel ====
-Das **Information Panel** ist insbesondere hilfreich um zu prüfen, ob das Bild überbelichtet ist und herauszufinden an welchen Sternen dies unter Umständen liegtHier sind für uns insbesondere die Werte **Pixel** und ** Maximum** interessantIm Standardmodus ''Aperture'' werden die Informationen aus der auf dem Bild dargestellten türkisen Apertur ausgelesenwelche man z.Baber auch auf einen hellen Stern schieben kannTut man dies sind z.B. noch das Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (**SNR**) und die Full-Width-Half-Maximum (**FWHM**) von InteresseWerte wie die **Magnitude** sind auf unseren zumeist unkalibrierten Bildern nicht von Relevanz+The **Information Panel** is especially helpful to check if the image is overexposed and to find out which stars this may be due toHere the values **Pixel** and **Maximum** are especially interesting for usIn the default ''Aperture'' mode the information is read from the cyan aperture shown on the imagewhich can be shifted e.gto a bright starIf this is done, the signal-to-noise ratio (**SNR**) and the full-width-half-maximum (**FWHM**) are of interest as wellFor our mostly uncalibrated images, values like the **Magnitude** are not relevant
 {{ ost:software:maximdl:information_image_panel_1.png | Information Panel}} {{ ost:software:maximdl:information_image_panel_1.png | Information Panel}}
  • en/ost/ccds/maximdl.1614453693.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/02/27 19:21
  • by rhainich