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en:etc:besuch_am_ost [2016/06/08 01:47] rhainichen:etc:besuch_am_ost [2024/12/10 10:04] (current) rhainich
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
 ====== Visit the OST ====== ====== Visit the OST ======
-Of course, the OST can be visited. We welcome students and everyone who is interested in Astronomy+<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP twothirds column> 
 +The OST can also be visited. Especially pupils or school classes and students are welcome! Due to the teaching business and limited staff capacities, no regular program can be offered. However, we try to realize requests especially from school classes whenever possible.  
 +==== Our portfolio ==== 
 +  * age-appropriate talks with the right degree of information on specific astrophysical topics as well as astrophysics in general  
 +    * either in our seminar room or the dome 
 +    * optional: presentation and explanation of our instruments and the available technology 
 +    * optional: clarification of the astronomical dimension with the help of models 
 +  * guided tours and telescope demonstrations 
 +    * introducing the basic principle of telescopes and astronomical observations 
 +  * observations of the Sun (depends on the weather conditions) 
 +  * night observations of a variety of objects (depends on the visibility and the weather conditions) 
 +  * astrophotography with our CCD cameras or with our/your DSLR camera (a T2 adapter is required, we only have one for Canon cameras)  
 +==== Contact ==== 
 +The OST team is reachable via the following **email address prakt@astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de**. Please feel free to write us your enquiry 
 +==== Former events (not complete) ====
-==== What we can offer ====+  * [[https://polaris.astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de/news_articles/weihnachtsmarkt_2024.html | Public observation as part of the Golm Christmas Market]] on 29.11.2024 
 +  * Public observation as part of the Long Night of Astronomy on 19.10.2024 
 +  * Guided tour as part of an AEI "Summer School" on 10.10.2024 
 +  * Guided tour as part of the University Information Day on 07.06.2024 
 +  * Potsdam Science Day 2024 on 04.05.2024 
 +  * Guided tour for a school group on 07.03.2024 
 +  * Solar observation with a school class (4th grade) on 05.07.2023 
 +  * Guided tour as part of the University Information Day on 09.06.2023 
 +  * Public solar observation on the Luisenplatz in Potsdam as part of the Science Year 2023 from 17. to 20.05.2023 
 +  * Potsdam Science Day 2023 on 06.05.2023 
 +  * Lecture and guided tour for a school class (7th grade) on 23.03.2023 
 +  * Guided tour and observation of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) for guests on 08.02.2023 
 +  * Lectures, guided tours and observations as part of the "Blick in die Labore" series of events on 17.11.2022 
 +  * Observation of the solar eclipse with members of the Institute on 25.10.2022 
 +  * Lecture and guided tours for a school class (5th grade) on 12.10.2022 
 +  * Lecture and guided tours for a school class (5th grade) on 05.10.2022 
 +  * Lecture and guided tour for a school class (4th grade) on 29.09.2022 
 +  * Guided tour and observations with Planetarium Potsdam crew on 07.09.2022 
 +  * Guided tour and observation for students of other study programmes on 04.07.2022 
 +  * Guided tour for members of the university administration on 01.07.2022 
 +  * Guided tour as part of the University Information Day on 10.06.2022 
 +  * Potsdam Science Day 2022 on 07.05.2022 
 +  * Guided tour and observation for the Student Council and guests on 22.10.2021 
 +  * Guided tour and observation for guests on the occasion of the comet Neowise C/2020 F3 on 06.08.2020 
 +  * Guided tour and observation for guests of the comet Neowise C/2020 F3 on 28.07.2020 
 +  * Guided tour and observation for guests of the comet Neowise C/2020 F3 on 21.07.2020 
 +  * Guided tour and observation for guests on 19.07.2020 
 +  * Guided tours as part of the university information day on 14.06.2019 
 +  * Potsdam Science Day 2019 on 11.05.2019 
 +  * Guided tour and solar observation for student interns on 28.01.2019 
 +  * Guided tour for a group of students (high school graduates) on 18.12.2018 
 +  * Guided tours for various student groups (elementary school and high school graduates) including observations of the sun on 03.10.2018 
 +  * Potsdam Science Day 2018 on 05.05.2018 
 +  * Guided tour of the dome plus solar and lunar observations for a group of students on 17.10.2017 
 +  * Visit of the Minister President of Brandenburg on 10.07.2017 
 +  * Guided tour as part of the University Information Day 2017 on 16.06.2017 
 +  * Guided tours as part of the Potsdam Day of Science 2017 on 13.05.2017 
 +  * Telescope demonstration for a group of students on 08.02.2017 
 +  * Visit of various members and guest of the Institute of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Potsdam on occasion of a transit of Mercury on the 09.05.2016 
 +  * Visit of various members and guest of the Institute of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Potsdam on occasion of the partial solar eclipse on the 20. März 2015 
 +  * Talk, telescope demonstration, and observation with a 5. class of a primary school from Potsdam on the 18.03.2015 
 +  * Guided tour in the scope of the "Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2014" on the 14. July 2014 
 +  * Guided tour and observation of the Sun with a group of pupils on the 08.07.2014 
 +  * Potsdam Science Day 2014 on 14.07.2014 
 +  * Visit of a group of pupils on the 11.04.2014 
 +  * Talk, telescope demonstration, and observation with a 5. class of a primary school from Potsdam on the 06.03.2014 
 +  * Guided tour and telescope demonstration with a group of pupils on the 19.12.2013 
 +  * Guided tour in the scope of the "Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2013" on the 8. June 2013 
 +  * Guided tour and night observation with a group of pupils on the 08.10.2012 
 +  * Guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2012" on the 02.06.2012 
 +  * Guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2011" on the 28.05.2011 
 +  * Several guided tours in the scope of the "Zukunftstag" on the 14.04.2011 
 +  * Telescope demonstration and observation in the scope of the "Studieren in Fernost Kampagne" on the 28.05.2010 
 +  * Guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2010" on the 05.06.2010 
 +  * Guided tour and observation on the 16.09.2009 
 +  * Guided tours, talks, observations of the Sun, and night observation within the scope of the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2009" on the 13.06.2009 
 +  * Night observation with a school class from Berlin on the 05.06.2009
-  * age-appropriate talks with the right degree of information on the general astrophysics as well as specific astrophysical themes  
-  * guided tours through the OST dome with explanations how a telescope works Führung durch die OST-Kuppel mit Erklärung der Funktionsweise eines Telekops 
-  * Führung durch die Astro-Gruppen I&II mit Erklärung der Forschungsschwerpunkte 
-  * Sonnenbeobachtung, je nach Wetter 
-  * Nachtbeobachtung mit dem Okular, je nach Sichtbarkeit der Objekte und Wetter 
-  * Astrofotografie mit unseren CCD-Kameras oder unser/ihrer Spiegelreflexkamera (T2-Ring-Adapter wird benötigt) 
-==== Kontakt ==== +</WRAP> 
-Das OST-Betreuerteam ist unter der Email-Adresse prakt@astro.physik.uni-potsdam.de zu erreichen. Schreiben Sie uns einfach ihre Wünsche.+<WRAP third column>
-==== Besucher ====+[{{ :ost:outreach:dome_talk.jpg | Talk in the dome }}] 
 +[{{ :ost:osst:halpha_and_rc8.jpg | Part of our equipment }}]
-  * Führungen und Vorträge, Sonnenbeobachtung, Himmelsbeobachtung im Rahmen der Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2010 am 05.06.2010 +</WRAP> 
-  * Teleskopvorführung & Beobachtung mit dem Okular im Rahmen der Studieren in Fernost Kampagne am 28.05.2010 +</WRAP>
-  * Führungen und Vorträge, Sonnenbeobachtung, Himmelsbeobachtung im Rahmen der Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2011 am 28.05.2011 +
-  * Führungen und Vorträge, Sonnenbeobachtung, Himmelsbeobachtung im Rahmen der Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2012 am 02.06.2012 +
-  * Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2013 am 8. Juni 2013 +
-  * Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2014 am 14. Juni 2014 +
-  * Vortrag, Teleskopvorführung & Beobachtung mit dem Okular für eine 5. Klasse einer Grundschule aus Potsdam am 06.03.2014 +
-  * Besuch von einer Schülergruppe am 11.04.2014 +
-  * Vortrag, Teleskopvorführung & Beobachtung mit dem Okular für eine 5. Klasse einer Grundschule aus Potsdam 18.03.2015 +
-  * Viele Angehörige und Gäste des Instituts für Physik der Uni Potsdam zur partiellen Sonnenfinsternis am 20. März 2015+
  • en/etc/besuch_am_ost.1465350430.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/06/08 01:47
  • by rhainich