
Our small telescope
On this site we collect images taken by students at the astrophysics department of the university of Potsdam as part of the astrophysical lab course or in their spare time.
- This site was initiated and written by Nadine Giese and Fabian Krause.
- Most of the images are taken with our 14" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, which we named OST (our small telescope or overwhelmingly small telescope). The solar images are taken with a smaller 11" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.
- We use a SBIG STF8300M CCD-camera, a SBIG ST-8 CCD-camera, a Philips ToUcam-webcam, as well as various DSLRs (Canon EOS 450D, Canon EOS 700D, ...).
- We collect and organise various information about our telescope in a wiki.