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Datum/Date Vortrag/Talk Vortragender/Speaker
To be determined

An extensive overview on how to prepare talks in a scientific context can be found here.

Date Talk Speaker
14.10. Organization Meeting
21.10. Astro-Quiz
28.10. Astro-Quiz
11.11. (I) Principles of optical telescopic observations I. - reflectors, magnification, aberrations. OST Johanna Petters
11.11. (II) Principles of optical telescopic observations II. - astronomical coordinates, telescope mounts, astroclimate. OST Noah MacKay
18.11. (I) Photometry - stellar magnitudes, extinction, photometric bands, modern photometry Infant Ronald Reagan Johnson Amalraj
18.11. (II) Stars: spectral types and the HRD Hema Priya Rajangam
25.11. (I) Spectroscopy - different types of spectrographs and basic principles. OST Olga Hinke
25.11. (II) Stellar evolution, evolutionary tracks, and isochrones on the HRD and CMD Kilian Gohlke
02.12. N1: Description of the observation, data reduction, and data analysis Ahmad Slim
09.12. N2: Description of the observation, data reduction, and data analysis Binnur Sökmen Sevik
16.12. The Sun: structure, dynamo, and magnetic field. The solar observatory at the Einsteinturm Kester Weise
16.12. Background in OST observations: cosmic rays, thermal background, astrophysical background Celina Turner
06.01. The Sun: solar activity, solar cycle, solar spots, and Zeeman effect measurements Alexandros Stork
13.01. (I) Binary stars and radial velocity measurements as a tool to determine stellar properties Prince Kumar
13.01. (II) Eclipsing binaries and other methods to determine stellar masses Rohak Paul
20.01. (I) Observational challenges I. - solar system objects and how to observe them with the OST Zoë Zin-Zu Kaffarnik
20.01. (II) Observational challenges II. - observational properties of galaxies and how to observe them with OST Arman Al Jaf
Master Program - Winter Semester 2024 - Talks
Real name 04.11 11.11 (I) 11.11 (II) 18.11 (I) 18.11 (II) 25.11 02.12 09.12 16.12 06.01 13.01 (I) 13.01 (II) 20.01 (I) 20.01 (II)
Alexandros Stork              
Alpha (alpha)              
Arman Al Jaf              
Dr. Lidia Oskinova (lidia)              
Epsilon (epsilon)              
Hema Priya Rajangam              
Infant Ronald Reagan Johnson Amalraj              
Kester Weise              
Kilian Gohlke              
Prince Kumar              
Rohak Paul              
Zeta (zeta)              
Count: 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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  • deng/praktikum/vortragsplan.1730721959.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/11/04 12:05
  • by lidia