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Per E-Mail sind wir unter zu erreichen (alternativ via <Betreuer-Mail>
Name | Raum | Aufgaben | |
apl. Prof. Lida Oskinova | 2.135 | lida | Organisation, Vorträge, Protokolle |
Moritz Itzerott | 2.005 | mitzerott | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung |
Florian Rünger | 2.004 | fruenger | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung |
Fabian Mattig | fmattig | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | |
Rainer Hainich | 2.009 | rhainich | Technischer Support |
If you want to contact us, you can find our email addresses (<instructor> below. However, preference should be given to, since it allows to reach all instructors.
Name | Room | Responsibilities | |
apl. Prof. Lidia Oskinova | 2.135 | lida | organizing, talks, protocols |
Moritz Itzerott | 2.005 | mitzerott | talks, protocols, telescope support |
Florian Rünger | 2.004 | fruenger | talks, protocols, telescope support |
Fabian Mattig | fmattig | talks, protocols, telescope support | |
Rainer Hainich | 2.009 | rhainich | technical support |