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Per E-Mail sind wir unter zu erreichen (alternativ via <Betreuer-Mail>

Name Raum Mail Aufgaben
Lida Oskinova 2.135 lida Organisation, Vorträge, Protokolle
Daniel Pauli 2.115 dpauli Vorträge, Protokolle
Moritz Itzerott 2.005 mitzerott Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung
Florian Rünger 2.008 fruenger Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung
Rainer Hainich 2.009 rhainich Technischer Support

If you want to contact us, you can find our email addresses (<instructor> below. However, preference should be given to, since it allows to reach all instructors.

Name Room Mail Responsibilities
apl. Prof. Lidia Oskinova 2.135 lida organizing, talks, protocols
Moritz Itzerott 2.005 mitzerott talks, protocols, telescope support
Florian Rünger 2.008 fruenger talks, protocols, telescope support
Dr. Rainer Hainich 2.009 rhainich technical support
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  • deng/praktikum/betreuer.1650361058.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/04/19 09:37
  • by lidia