====== Installation of ESO MIDAS ====== **Please note: Since Ubuntu 14.10, a debian package of ESO MIDAS is available. It can be installed via** sudo apt-get install eso-midas Some notes regarding the installation: * The official MIDAS web page with detailed hardware and software requirements can be found [[http://www.eso.org/sci/software/esomidas/midas-require.html|here]]. * The official MIDAS documentation is [[http://www.eso.org/sci/software/esomidas/doc/index.html|here]] * This manual is meant for the installation in Linux (Ubuntu, Debian etc.), while some packages and tools might have different names in SuSe, Fedora etc. * The installation requires a console and root rights (esp. to install the packages). If needed, the admin has to do that part. Beyond that it should be possible to install MIDAS without root rights. ===== Package dependencies ===== The following packages need to be installed: sudo apt-get install libmotif-dev libncurses5-dev libx11-dev libXext-dev libXt-dev gfortran ===== Create the MIDAS directory ===== Create the directory that shall contain the MIDAS installation: mkdir midas In our default installation this directory is located in the path ''$HOME/opt/''. ===== Download MIDAS ===== Open a console, change to the midas directory, and connect to the FTP server: ftp ftp.eso.org The user name is ''ftp'' and the password is ''''. //Remark: The following text is based on version ''11FEB'' of MIDAS (11FEBpl1.0.tar.gz). At the moment, the latest version is 15SEPpl1.0 (15SEPpl1.0.tar.gz). The path ''/home/username/opt/midas/11FEB'' and all version numbers need to be adjusted to your installation.// Then get to the MIDAS directory on the server, download the archive and logout: ftp> cd /midaspub/11FEB/sources ftp> get README.sources ftp> binary ftp> get 11FEBpl1.0.tar.gz ftp> get linux_intel.calib.tar.gz ftp> quit Then unpack the source files: tar -zxvf 11FEBpl1.0.tar.gz It's useful to set a symbolic link with a shorter name, e.g. ln -s 11FEBpl1.0 11FEB ===== The config script ===== The config script can be found in this directory: cd 11FEB/install/unix/ then execute it sh config MIDAS will print the following output to the console MIDAS CONFIG MENU: ================== 1 - list of MIDAS packages available 2 - select only MIDAS core 3 - select all MIDAS packages 4 - select MIDAS core and packages of your choice 5 - preinstall MIDAS 6 - install MIDAS 7 - update MIDAS 8 - setup MIDAS 9 - clean MIDAS 10 - help q - quit Select: ==== Selection of the packages ==== Since, we are usually also interested in the optional packages (such as the packages for the BACHES spectrograph), we should select the following option 3 - select all MIDAS packages alternatively the following option 4 - select MIDAS core and packages of your choice provides the opportunity to only install the required packages. ==== Pre installation ==== First select 5 - preinstall MIDAS Mostly the default settings can be used, if they are valid. :-) This step copies pre configured installation files (for your system) to the MIDAS directory. ==== Installation ==== Now select 6 - install MIDAS This installs MIDAS (how unexpected :-)). To follow the progress, open another console, and type tail -f /midas/11FEB/tmp/install.//// ==== Setup MIDAS ==== The name of the machine and the email address for the user support can be adjusted with the following option 8 - setup MIDAS However, the default values are usually fine for most of the setup options. Next, copy the executables to a directory that is listed in the ''$PATH'' variable, e.g. ''/usr/local/bin'' (or add the directory to the ''$PATH'' variable). Alternatively, only symbolic links can be created. This can be done for a single user or for all. cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/inmidas /usr/local/bin cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/gomidas /usr/local/bin cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/helpmidas /usr/local/bin cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/drs /usr/local/bin Furthermore, the MIDAS man-pages can be made available for all users. So copy them to a directory that is listed in the ''$MANPATH'' variable, e.g. ''/usr/man/man''. cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/manl/inmidas.l /usr/man/manl cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/manl/gomidas.l /usr/man/manl cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/manl/helpmidas.l /usr/man/manl cp /home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/manl/readline.l /usr/man/manl Alternative, add the path ''/home/username/opt/midas/11FEB/system/unix/manl'' to the ''$MANPATH'' variable. ===== Start MIDAS the first time ===== Create a tmp directory in midas and start it: mkdir $HOME/midas/tmp cd $HOME/midas/tmp inmidas Within the MIDAS environment execute this command Midas 001> @ compile.all This prints approximately 40 lines of text and exits MIDAS. The command gomidas returns to the MIDAS environment. Then run the following command to create the LUT and ITT files Midas 002 > @ ascii_bin Then logout and enjoy. ;-) Midas 003 > bye ===== Verify MIDAS ===== MIDAS offers the possibility to test and verify the installation. The first step in the verification process is to create the following directory mkdir $HOME/opt/midas/demo/data Subsequently, a path variable (//MID_TEST//) to this directory needs to be created export MID_TEST=$HOME/opt/midas/demo/data Before downloading the necessary data from the ESO web page, the next step is to move into the above directory and to login into ESO via FTP again. The verification data can be retrieved with the following commands: ftp> cd /midaspub/11FEB/sources ftp> binary ftp> get demo_data.tar.gz ftp> quit Afterwards, the downloaded archive needs to be unpacked. The next step is to move to ''$HOME/opt/midas/tmp'' and to run the verification process by starting MIDAS inmidas and executing Midas 001> @ superverify which tests the demo files and by this means verifies MIDAS.