====== La Grande Bouffe - Christmas party 2019 ===== The Christmas party will take place on **WEDNESDAY, December 11th**. * Yes * No /*==== Dinner location - Your vote counts! ==== You can vote whether you prefer to have a Christmas party here at the institute or you prefer to have a Christmas dinner at a restaurant near the city center. * A cozy Christmas party at the university * Christmas dinner at a restaurant */ ===== List what you want to bring with ===== Please indicate what you want to bring with at the Christmas party \\
action pagemod en:fun:xmas add_suggestion textbox "Your name:" textbox "What I want to bring:" submit
^ Name ^ What I want to bring | Veronika | Beer, decorations, cake | | Rainer | Pizza rolls | | Stephan | Glühwein etc. | | Ingrid | Arroz à grega (typical Brazilian Christmas dish) | | Tilak | Some Indian snacks and possibly some sweets | | Rick | Soft drinks, savoury muffins (or similar) | | Max | Cookies | | Martin (W) | Pizza snails (Salami & vegetarian) | | Sietske | Spanish tortilla (vegetarian) | | Gabor | Le vin du jour pour la grande buffe (soif Glüh) | | Andrea | Pasta salad | | Helge | vegetarian pigs in a blanket, potato salad | | Olga | Russian salad(typical new year dish in Ukraine) | | Kirill | Spiced Carrot Salad | | Adriane | Lebkuchen & Spekulatius | | Harry | Eton mess | | Patricia | Bratapfel Muffins | | @@Your name:@@ | @@What I want to bring:@@ | \\ /* ==== Xmas excursion ==== bla bla ==== Vote for a date 2016 ==== TBA * 14.12. * 15.12. * 16.12. * 19.12. * 20.12. * 21.12. * 22.12. \\ */ /*==== Suggestions for Xmas lunch location ====*/ /* ===== Suggestions for Xmas excursion ===== You can make suggestions in the form below. Please fill in every field. If you can provide further information please insert it into the corresponding field. If you can't just type "none". \\
action pagemod en:fun:xmas add_suggestion fieldset "Please insert your suggestions here" textbox "Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:" textbox "Location:" textbox "Further information (adress, ...):" textbox "Website:" textbox "Your name:" submit
^ Activity ^ Location ^ Further information (adress, ...) ^ Website ^ Name ^ | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | bla | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | bla | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | bla | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | bla | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | bla | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Stephan | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Stephan | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Stephan | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Stephan | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Stephan | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Andrea | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Philipp | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | @@Your name:@@ | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Sietske | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Kirill | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Martin | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Gabor | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Patricia | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Ingrid | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Nicole | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Tilak | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Tilak | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Mitali | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Helge | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Rainer | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Veronika | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Rainer | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Stephan | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Ingrid | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Tilak | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Rick | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | @@Your name:@@ | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Martin (W) | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Sietske | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Gabor | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Andrea | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Helge | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Olda | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Kirill | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Adriane | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Harry | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | Patricia | | @@Your suggestion for an Xmas activity:@@ | @@Location:@@ | @@Further information (adress, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | @@Your name:@@ | \\ /* /* | Bowling | Babelsberg | Restaurant afterwards | http://bowlingcenter.jimdo.com/ | Andrea | | Ice skating | Berlin | E.g.: Wilmersdorf, Restaurant afterwards | http://www.horst-dohm-eisstadion.de/ | Helge | | Berliner Unterwelten | Berlin | Restaurant afterwards | http://berliner-unterwelten.de/home.1.1.html | Marcel | | Karaoke!!! <3 | Potsdam/Berlin | Restaurant *before*! | e.g. http://www.gutenberg100.de/, | Tomer <3 | | Kongresshotel-Event (what about archery or a domino rallye?) | Potsdam | food is included in the price | http://www.kongresshotel-potsdam.de/firmenevents-weihnachtsfeier.html | Anne | | Secret santa | Restaurant in Potsdam | i don't know which restaurants are big enough | http://www.tripadvisor.de/Restaurants-g187330-Potsdam_Brandenburg.html | Anne | | Cooking together | Potsdam | We could rent the place and cook ourselves (or with chef as guide), price to be negotiated | http://steffi-metz.de/ | Adriane | */ /* ===== Vote Xmas excursion 2016 ===== ^ Activity ^ Location ^ Further information (adress, ...) ^ Website ^ | Eisstockschießen | Berlin | Restaurant at location or afterwards | http://www.eisbahn-lankwitz.de/ oder http://www.berlinonice.de/ | | Ice skating | Berlin | E.g.: Wilmersdorf, Restaurant afterwards | http://www.horst-dohm-eisstadion.de/ | | Berliner Unterwelten | Berlin | Restaurant afterwards | http://berliner-unterwelten.de/home.1.1.html | | Secret santa | Potsdam | ? | ? | \\ * Eisstockschießen * Ice Skating * Berliner Unterwelten * Secret santa (Wichteln) */