===== Eurovision 2014: Raus aus dem Reisfeld!! =====
* Freiluftkino, Kreuzberg (open air)
* Helmholtzplatz, Prenzlauerberg (open air)
* Hofbräu, Mitte (bitte nicht)
* SchwuZ, Kreuzberg (p.s. gay club)
* Postbahnhof, Friedrichshain
==== Suggestions ====
^ Location ^ Further information (address, ...) ^ Website ^ Name ^
| Freiluftkino, Kreuzberg | Open air, lots of bars + restaurants in the vicinity | http://www.freiluftkino-kreuzberg.de/ | Tomer |
| Helmholtzplatz, Prenzlauerberg | Open air | http://www.360berlin.net/en/prenzlauer-berg-2/helmholtzplatz | Tomer |
| Hofbräu, Mitte | bitte nicht | http://www.hofbraeuhaus-berlin.de/ | Tomer |
| SchwuZ, Kreuzberg | for the brave | http://www.schwuz.de/en/home.html | Tomer |
| Postbahnhof, Friedrichshain | never been there |http://postbahnhof.de/ | Tomer |
| Lida and Wolf-Rainer's bar | although we never got an invitation | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golm_%28Potsdam%29 | Tomer |
| Whereever | NA | NA | Iman |
| @@Your suggestion for a location:@@ | @@Further information (address, ...):@@ | @@Website:@@ | @@Your name:@@ |
You can make suggestions in the form below. Please fill in every field. If you can provide further information please insert it into the corresponding field. If you can't just type "none".