Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksExport to PDFFold/unfold allBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ==== German ==== Per E-Mail sind wir unter //****// zu erreichen. |< 80% - >| ^ Name ^ Raum ^ Mail ^ Aufgaben ^ | Prof. Lida Oskinova | 2.135 | lida | Organisation, Vorträge, Protokolle | | M.Sc. Mariana P. Júlio | | mariana.julio | Organisation, Vorträge, Protokolle | | M.Sc. Oliver Steppohn | 0.033 | - | Teleskopbetreuung, Datenreduktion Hilfestellung | | M.Sc. Jonas Brinkmann | 2.008 | jbrinkmann | Teleskopbetreuung, Datenreduktion Hilfestellung | | Rainer Hainich | 2.009 | rhainich | Technischer Support | /* | B.Sc. Fabian Mattig | 2.008 | fmattig | Teleskopbetreuung, Datenreduktion Hilfestellung | | M.Sc. Florian Rünger | 2.004 | fruenger | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | David Gruner | 2.008 | dagruner | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | Kathleen Scholz| 2.006 | kamuelle | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | Carlo Steiner | 2.115 | csteiner | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | Tomer Shenar | 2.004 | shtomer | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | Marcel Pietschmann | 2.118 | mpietsch | Vorträge, Protokolle | | Marc Ludwig | 2.118 | mludwig | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | Max Pritzkuleit | 2.115 | maxpri | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | Harry Dawson | 2.008 | hdawson | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | | B.Sc. Moritz Itzerott | 2.005 | mitzerott | Vorträge, Protokolle, Teleskopbetreuung | */ ==== English ==== If you want to contact us, you can find our email address at //****//, since it allows to reach all instructors. |< 80% - >| ^ Name ^ Room ^ Mail ^ Responsibilities ^ | Prof. Lidia Oskinova | 2.135 | lida | organization, talks, protocols | | M.Sc. Mariana P. Júlio | | mariana.julio | organization, talks, reports | | M.Sc. Oliver Steppohn | 0.033 | - | telescope support, data reduction support | | M.Sc. Jonas Brinkmann | 2.008 | jbrinkmann | telescope support, data reduction support | | Rainer Hainich | 2.009 | rhainich | technical support | /* | B.Sc. Fabian Mattig | 2.008 | fmattig | telescope support, data reduction support | | M. Sc. Florian Rünger | 2.004 | fruenger | talks, protocols, telescope support | | David Gruner | 2.008 | dagruner | talks, protocols, telescope support | | Carlo Steiner | 2.115 | csteiner | talks, protocols, telescope support | | Kathleen Scholz | 2.006 | kamuelle | talks, protocols, telescope support | | Tomer Shenar | 2.004 | shtomer | talks, protocols, telescope support | | Marcel Pietschmann | 2.118 | mpietsch | talks, protocols, telescope support | | Marc Ludwig | 2.118 | mludwig | talks, protocols, telescope support | | B. Sc. Moritz Itzerott | 2.005 | mitzerott | talks, protocols, telescope support | */ deng/praktikum/betreuer.txt Last modified: 2024/12/04 21:41by rhainich